What are the effects of low self-esteem and solutions to overcome it?
Self-esteem means the respect that a person has for himself. People who are described as having high self-esteem are often aware of their abilities and use them well, and those who are described as having low self-esteem are usually full of self-doubt and also They criticize themselves and deny their abilities.
The second group will probably face many problems during their life. Although low self-esteem is a description of how people feel about themselves, this phrase is not a sign of a problem in people’s mental health; Despite this, many mental health professionals believe that having healthy self-esteem is important in many aspects of people’s lives.
A person with low self-esteem usually thinks about himself in the most critical way; For example, “I’m not good enough at this job,” “I’m a loser,” “I’ll never get anywhere,” etc.; With these thoughts, he experiences unpleasant emotions, such as sadness, anger, stress and useless fear.
A person with low self-esteem it becomes difficult for him to make a decision; because he doubts about his success; It is also difficult for such a person to find friend, because he is embarrassed or thinks that others do not like him; In addition, such people avoid situations in which they may be judged; Therefore, they lose the chance of new experiences.
Some researchers claim that encouraging people to raise their self-esteem can do more harm than good, or lead them to narcissism; However, for people who find their lives miserable due to constant self-judgment and self-critical thinking, boosting self-esteem, even by small amounts, can have lasting positive effects.
Other problems related to self-esteem
As mentioned before, low self-esteem is not a sign of a problem in people’s mental health; But from the point of view that such a person constantly judges himself and is unhappy and upset with himself, it can be said that this issue leads to more serious problems; For example, researchers have found that it has often been a factor in problems such as depression and bulimia nervosa.
Basically, by examining the condition of a person who has low self-esteem, researchers find out the existence of psychological problems and injuries in him; This trait can hurt people, especially during adolescence.
Studies show that this issue is related to aggression, antisocial behavior and delinquency; It is also said that low self-esteem during puberty is related to the possible increase of later problems in adulthood; Problems such as: depression, anxiety, lower physical health, increased smoking, increased criminal behavior and more job problems.
Because it is possible for low self-esteem to develop into more serious problems, it is very important that those struggling with this problem get help as soon as possible before it becomes a bigger and more serious disorder.
Two important components to overcome low self-esteem
1. Stop listening to your inner critic
Like a constant and annoying observer, the inner critic judges the thoughts and actions of a person; By flooding the mind with negative thoughts about oneself and others, this internal observer creates anger and discomfort, and these feelings cause low self-esteem in people.
You can hear the voice of this inner critic with such sentences: “You’re stupid!”, “No one likes you!”, “You’re fat!”, “You’re worthless!”, “Why can’t you be like everyone else?” Etc.
To overcome low self-esteem you must challenge these negative thoughts and stand up to your inner critic. The first step in this way is to know when these thoughts start; Then you should ignore it and not listen to it. You can imagine that another person is telling you these sentences and you angrily shut him up or tell him that he is wrong; Use this approach in responding to your inner critic.
Another way you can deal with this internal observer is to write the criticism on a piece of paper and then respond to it on the opposite side of the paper with a more realistic and compassionate assessment of yourself; For example, in response to the internal criticism, “You’re an idiot!” Write something like this: “I may be wrong sometimes, but I’m smart most of the time.”
Challenging your inner critic will help you stop feeling the shame of low self-esteem. Once you find the source of your bad feelings by identifying the voice of your inner critic, you can discover your true self by refusing to listen to it.
2-To heal criticism, be kind to yourself
This is an important practice and also a great way to treat low self-esteem and increase mental health; Treat yourself like a friend.
Creating a feeling of kindness to oneself is not based on evaluation and judgment, but on the basis of acceptance and a kind and continuous attitude towards oneself. Although this may seem simple, it is challenging at first; However, you can find and strengthen this kindness by practicing self-forgiveness.
As mentioned, low self-esteem makes you underestimate yourself, lack confidence in yourself, or always value other people’s opinions over your own. If you have a lot of this problem, it may cause many psychological damages. Overcome this feeling by turning off the nagging inner critic and loving yourself.
Have you ever faced the problem of low self-esteem? Have you been able to overcome it? Please share your comments with us at the end of this post.
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