How to use the law of attraction in marriage

How to use the law of attraction in marriage

Question: How can I use the law of attraction in marriage and achieve my dream marriage? How is the application of the law of attraction in my marriage and to reach my ideal wife with all the qualities I want such as being in love, having a good financial situation and being committed to life? Or even after marriage, how can I maintain my life with the same original freshness?
This is a very important question that worries most people, especially young boys and girls who decide to create a stable life and start a family. Creating fleeting and immediate relationships is very easy, but marriage and starting a family brings its own problems and requires special needs.

The first task to find the ideal spouse

Along with all these difficulties and possible problems of family life, it is not easy to find a suitable person for marriage who has a suitable and reliable personality and has the characteristics that match our imaginations. In order to reach your ideal spouse, you must provide the right conditions for the presence of such a person in your life. Using the law of attraction in marriage and finding such a person will help you.

Know yourself

From the point of view of the law of attraction, attracting a dream marriage or your desired spouse is actually a process that requires knowing your true personality. You must first know yourself, your personality traits, your needs and desires well and be satisfied and happy with your current situation and what you are, so that you can attract the person you like and suit your conditions and personality traits.
For this reason, such a claim can be made because when you know yourself well and are happy with your current life, your energy and the energy of your loved one both move in the same direction and towards common points.
When you are looking for an ideal person, your ideal person is probably also looking for someone who is happy, confident, interested in life, attractive, well-mannered, etc. So the more time you spend on acquiring these positive qualities (especially before you find your ideal person), the faster you will find him and the faster he will reach you.
The more you are aware of your best personality traits and keep your focus on them, the sooner the universe will put you in his way.

Photo of the bride and groom in the sunflower field

To receive answers from the universe be sure

The energy source of the universe, in whatever form and name you call it and believe, already knows your dreams and is aware of your heart’s desires. Your dreams and passions are in your heart because they are the desires that the energy of existence has planned for you. Without even being aware of the changes around you, you have already been placed on this path and you cannot achieve your dreams unless you lose faith in yourself and your abilities and dreams. The only thing missing is your belief.
Regardless of your dreams and desires, the energy source of the universe has three answers for every desire:
• Yes, your wish is possible right now and it is right here.
• Yes, your wish is possible, but not now and at this moment.
Yes, your wish is possible, but I have left something better for you.
So, you are on the path of using the law of attraction in marriage and attracting your ideal marriage and your lost half, and you are also on the path of attracting creative and motivational ideas to be in the position and position you want. All you need is to move.
So start doing everything in your power to fulfill the law of attraction in your marriage and dedicate yourself to your dreams and make your dream marriage happen. To achieve this goal, try to study in this field, research about it and imagine yourself in the mood of your ideal life.

take time

To use the law of attraction in your marriage, set aside one to two hours a day to write about the details of an ideal day, after your dream wedding. When you imagine yourself in such a situation, the resulting positive energy flows in your life and makes you feel satisfied.
So try to find ways to make these moments a reality based on the law of attraction in marriage. Don’t wait for your lost half to come and make your dream come true. Maybe your lost half has successfully traveled its path and reached the right place and is waiting for you to arrive.
In the meantime, make a list of the qualities you want in someone you would like to marry. Of course, don’t focus only on the possible options around you, but try to write these characteristics about each possible person. Of course, it is not necessary to be in a relationship with someone for marriage, but you can create these ideas in your mind much earlier than reaching this stage. Don’t limit yourself too much to think about a certain person, but just focus your mind on the qualities you like about that person.

Hand to receive requests
Notebook and pen next to the coffee cup

List the characteristics of your ideal spouse

For example, imagine in your mind a person who has a very romantic behavior and write down a list of his qualities that you admire the most and the reason why you admire these qualities so much. Then, add some examples of people around you who have such qualities to this list to motivate and inspire yourself. For example:
• He is attractive and beautiful to me;
Why I love him: Because I enjoy feeling attracted to him; I love the smile on my lips when I see her beauty; I love that when he looks at me, I feel beautiful; I enjoy the feeling in my heart when he walks in front of my eyes.
He is kind and considerate;
The reason I like him: I admire him for his dignified behavior towards others; When he thinks of me and does pleasant things to make me happy, I get a special feeling; I am proud of him when he treats others with respect; When he pays attention to my feelings and emotions, I feel supported and encouraged.
• He is really sweet
Why I love it: I love to laugh, be happy, healthy and enjoy the moments I laugh with my wife. I think a person’s sense of humor is a sign of their intelligence, and I love smart people, but most of all, I love to laugh.
• He really enjoys doing his job;
The reason for my interest: I like to spend a certain amount of time during the day alone and without my wife to do my personal work. When he is at work for a certain amount of time during the day and is satisfied with his work, I can easily pursue my interests, such as spending time with my friends and personal entertainment.
This is an example of a list you can make. Try to prepare your personal list similar to this list and use your personal examples and include all possible details. Get into the habit of paying attention to the qualities you like in the people around you or the people you meet in society, and add new qualities to your list.
By doing these steps and implementing the law of attraction in your marriage, you create a general picture of your dream marriage or the person you want in your mind and gradually attract it into your life. When you think about admirable qualities, you will no longer feel sad because you are not thinking of a specific person.

A pair of rings on the nootebook


So expand your life and participate as much as you can in social events, recreational classes, educational classes, reading groups and any other community that you think will strengthen your good qualities and reduce your negative qualities. So that you have the opportunity to progress and increase the probability of meeting and finding your favorite person.
The purpose of life is to create a sense of satisfaction and happiness for yourself by fulfilling your dreams. The law of attraction in marriage says that you are supposed to attract the qualities and people who are compatible with your interests and desires on the way to fulfilling your dreams, especially getting married to the person you love, but almost all of them are primarily related to your own personality. And your behavior depends on it, and creating those qualities in yourself is the first priority.

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